PA Adoption Process – Finding A Birth Parent Match

As many adoptive parents will tell you, the adoption process can be long and arduous, and sometimes the hardest part is getting started. Many prospective adoptive parents have found that the most difficult part of the adoption process is getting matched with a child. Local adoption agencies can be a great resource for matching adoptive parents and children, but sometimes the process can take a long time. As a result, some couples are taking matters into their own hands to find a match on their own.

Take the story of “Orna” and “Jay”, a Maryland couple who took the adoption matching process into their own hands, hoping to cut down on the time it takes to find a birth mother. At a cost of $2,000.00 per month, the couple rented billboard space on the New Jersey Turnpike and posted a billboard featuring their picture and advertising their status as prospective parents. When questioned by a local reporter, Orna and Jay (not their real names) explained that it was their goal to market themselves to as many people as possible.

The billboard on the New Jersey Turnpike included the couple’s website, which provided a wealth of information about themselves, their family history and other details helpful to birth parents. Birth parents seeking an adoptive family are often interested in the family’s qualifications, such as family stability and values. The billboard provided the couple with the opportunity to market their family’s qualifications to the broadest possible audience – the entire New Jersey Turnpike!

Today, more and more prospective adoptive parents are using creative solutions to find the right match. From Facebook to Twitter, and billboards in between, couples that are dedicated to completing their family thorough adoption will do just about anything to achieve their goal. If you’re interested in adopting a child in Pennsylvania, or are a birth parent considering adoption, contact our Pennsylvania Adoption Law Firm to schedule a consultation with a knowledgeable PA adoption lawyer.

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