Years ago, Zipland Interactive developed a computer game called “Earthquake in Zipland.” This game provides children with a fun, positive outlet to address the common stressors associated with going through divorce. Both parents and health care professionals use this game to initiate conversations about divorce and the painful issues that children can develop when coping with a dividing household.
The game’s main character faces many of the psychological struggles that any given child may be facing and overcomes them in a positive, healthy manner. The game helps both parents in communicating with their children, and children in seeing that they are not alone in feeling the way they do. Earthquake in Zipland also helps children deal with the fiction they create in their minds of parents rejoining and everything being as it was. By doing this, the game helps children to see that their new, co-parented life is going to be okay.
Both children and their parents can play the game together so they can go through this interactive journey together. Overall, this game can be a healthy and very positive experience for any family going through a divorce or separation.