Can You Legally Adopt An Adult In Pennsylvania?

The short answer is yes. In Pennsylvania, an adult can adopt an adult. An adult adoption involves someone who is at least 18 years old. Perhaps the more interesting and important question is this: “Why would someone want to adopt an adult?”

The most common reason for an adult adoption is for inheritance reasons. The second most common reason is to formalize an existing parent-child relationship. (A stepparent can adopt their step child before they reach 18.)

After an adult is adopted in PA, any legal relationship between the adopted adult and their biological parents ceases. The adoptee’s birth certificate will be changed to list the names of the newly adopted parent(s).

While the consent of a biological parent is not required for the adoption of an adult in PA, you cannot just adopt an adult in any situation. The PA courts do have in place some bars to adult adoption. Discuss your situation with a family law attorney who knows adoption law. That way, any legal consequences that may arise from an adoption can be discussed and planned for. That inheritance may be better served through an estate plan.

Our family lawyers can answer questions like that. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. One of our lawyers is ready to discuss your specific family law needs.

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